Albemarle High School Alumni Association
Classes of 1953 - 2024

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Sandra Shifflett Allen
ANTR 2016 - Sandra Shifflett Allen from Cville PEG-TV on Vimeo.
Sandy's nominator said, Sandy Allen was always available to help everyone. If she had free time, Sandy would volunteer to help someone else. She was always willing to help, offer encouragement and share a kind word. She was always a professional in her position as Secretary to the principal and always a calming influence for everyone. She was the go to lady. When we started the Albemarle High School Alumni Association in 2008, Sandy helped with mailing list and taking mailings home to stuff envelopes. Having no experience with mass mailings, Sandy accompanied me to the Post Office. She was always ready to help. She worked diligently rounding up and locating Peer Yearbooks for our AHS Alumni Association library.
Being the Principals right hand, Sandy was always in a position to promote Albemarle High School. Sandy came to AHS from the County Department of Education with new Principal William Raines in 1984, remained there with Larry Lawwill, Matt Haas and Jay Thomas. Sandy was the office manager, kept the principal’s calendar and schedule and was ready to do anything that needed to be done. They always knew they could depend on Sandy. She was in that position for 31 years. Sandy has always been a pleasant and confident person. If any of the staff had a question, it was ask Sandy.
Former Principal Willie Ranies said, "Sandy was the first and best hire when I came to Albemarle as Principal. Our nothing but the best motto describes Sandy well. She thought good could be better and could be best. She not only did her job but she always exceeded expectations of the job. Sandy was never motivated to gain personal recognition or accolades for herself. Her loyalty, attitude and work ethic was recognized and appreciated by all. Sje certainly deserves to be in the Hall of Fame."
Former Principal and now Assistant Superintendent of Albemarle County Public Schools Matt Haas wrote to Sandy, "I am writing to thank you for being my best friend at Albemarle High School. As I reflect back on the five years we worked together, I can't help but think how fortunate I am to have been your partner. You are a true professional, you love the school, and you would do anything to support the students, staff, teachers and administrators who work there. You have too many qualities to list, but here are some. You are never idle, you are always courteous, you do things perfectly, for my part you humored me, you always take an idea and improve on it, you insisted that I be the best principal I could be, and you helped me be that person, what a blessing you are. Sandy retired at the end of the 2015 school year. She was certainly a friend of the AHS Alumni Association."
Comment - Sandy, known as one not to seek attention, told of her thirty one years as office manager at Albemarle High School under four principals. Including her thirteen years at the county school office before coming the Albemarle High School, Sandy has forty four years of County service. She said there was an instant bond with Matt Haas and when Jay Thomas arrived, she realized the principals were getting younger and she was getting older.
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