Albemarle High School Alumni Association
Classes of 1953 - 2024

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Lindsay M. Harrington
Lindsay Harrington graduated from Albemarle High School in 1963. While a student at Albemarle High School, Lindsay was active in athletics and various school activities. After graduating from AHS, Lindsay earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University. Later, he earned a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management from Pepperdine University.
Lindsay has always exhibited integrity, honesty, good character, dependability, steadfastness and has been a role model for youth. Lindsay has continued the legacy of Mr. Ben F. Hurt by encouraging others to set goals and seek objectives beyond expectations. He is very active in his Church, and is a wonderful father, husband. brother and grandfather. He believes in the Constitution of the United States and is very involved in his community to make it a better place to live.
Lindsay reached the rank of Master Sergeant on active and reserve duty for 12 years in the United States Air Force. Lindsay settled in Punta Gorda, Florida, is married to his partner in life Deborah.
He is involved in serving citizens in his community and state politically and publicly by participating on many boards and committees in his over two decades of service. He served on the local Association of Realtors several times, the SW Florida Regional Planning Commission, the Punta Gorda Zoning Appeals Board, the Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center, the Charlotte County 4-H Foundation, and the Charlotte County Tourism Committee. While in the Legislature he chaired the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Committee, the Communtiy College and Career Planning Committee and the Elections and Ethics Committee.
Lindsay has been a Realtor for over 28 years and has received numerous awards related to the real estate industry as a Realtor and Realtor Associate. Also, Coldwell Banker has recognized Lindsay with their prestigious International Presidents Elite Award which represents the top 3% of their Sales Associates world-wide. Harrington was the former Mayor of Punta Gorda. He was elected to the Florida House of Representatives as a State Representative representing Charlotte, Lee, DeSoto and Lee Counties and was later Speaker pro tempore 2002 until retiring in 2004. He currently serves as a Governor's appointee as Trustee for Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida and as a Board member on the Byrd Alzheimers Institute at the University of South Florida.
Recognition bestowed upon Lindsay includes:
National Marine Manufacturer's Association "Legislative Appreciation Award" 2002
Florida Chamber of Commerce's Annual Report Card "A" Rating 2002
Associated Builders and Contractors of Florida Inc. "Friend of Free Enterprise" 2002
Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) of Florida Outstanding House Member 2001, 2002
Florida Marine Industries Association "Friend of the Industry"
Florida Chamber of Commerce Top 40 Legislators of the Year Award 2000, 2001
Florida School Board Association Top Legislator of the Year 2000
American Heart Association Legislator of the Year 2000
State of Florida Correctional Law Enforcement Officers Legislator of the Year 2000
National Federation of Independent Business "Guardian of Small Business" Award 1998
Christian Coalition of Florida 100 percent Voting Record
Named by Associated Industries of Florida as one of 23 legislators with 100 percent Voting Record for issues affecting industry in Florida
As Councilman and Mayor of Punta Gorda, was instrumental in the city being named the "Best Small City in the South" and the "Second Best Place to Live in the Country"
Lindsay Harrington has represented well, his family, his community, his Church and Albemarle High School.
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